Taking Control of Our Health. . . Having a Garden

Taking Control Of Our Health!


A huge way to control what we eat is to prepare meals & even snacks from a garden. I have always loved having a garden so I could grow our vegetables and fruits. I have always grown enough for fresh eating all summer & enough frozen or canned to last until the next season plus lots to share.

Because of my fall on ice, then surgery & now recovering I have had to downsize the garden somewhat and ask for help. I hired our granddaughter to do all the bending, helping her a bit with the hoe in my hand. So far, we have been getting rain from above for watering.

When it comes time to picking, the produce will be shared with those who help me come to pick so we will all benefit.

There are many great reasons for planting a garden even though the stores and market gardeners have plenty for sale!

  • Over the years we have always added organic manure to the garden, giving the soil lots of nutrients. It is organic as there are no chemicals added to the soil to control weeds or bugs.
  • Working in the garden gives me exercise; something I need so I will regain my health.
  • Spending time in the garden gives me sunshine & plenty of vitamin D
  • We are saving $$ on our grocery bill.
  • This year, because I am in need of help, I am enjoying spending time with our granddaughter and all others who will be spending time in my garden.
  • Above all we are enjoying delicious, nutritious organic foods all year long.

What more could I ask for? I may be slowing down, but I am so thankful for everyone God places in my path!


Over the years I have found a few tips to be very helpful so even though I may have mentioned them before in a blog, here are a few reminders for 2024! Check out my previous blogs for rhubarb recipe for getting rid of potato bugs!

  • Save your eggshells, dry them and blend them into powder. They are great fertilizer.
  • If you have an apple tree and you find tunneling in the apples, plant some Spanish onions around the tree. I have about 3 clusters about 3 feet from the tree and it keeps the apples from this problem.
  • Plant a row of onions next to the row of potatoes, cabbage or other coniferous plants to help keep the white butterflies away.  

     Happy Gardening!